COVID-19 Ethics

Beginning in March 2020, the Center curated a resource of publications on pandemic-related ethical and health policy issues. The collection spans approximately two years of scholarship.

Center faculty COVID-19 publications

♦  Vaccine mandates
♦  Vaccine hesitancy
♦  Vaccine allocation policies
♦  Vaccination: pragmatic responses
♦  Vaccine development and effectiveness

♦  Treatment allocation
♦  Professional duties and legal liability
♦  Institutional responsibilities
♦  Health disparities
♦  Clinical care for COVID-19
♦  Understanding the pandemic 

Public health and policy
♦  Face covering and physical distancing 
♦  Immunity and vaccination certification
♦  COVID-19 misinformation
♦  Contact tracing and surveillance
♦  Ethics of "reopening"
♦  Global responses

♦  Vaccine research ethics
♦  COVID-19 and its treatment
♦  During pandemic conditions

Collections on various issues

Also visit COVID-19 Health Humanities and COVID-19 Narratives pages.