Pursuit-Worthy Research in Health: Three Examples and a Proposal

November 10, 2023 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm

Daniel Wilkenfeld, PhD
Assistant Professor of Acute and Tertiary Care
University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing

Abstract: In the ideal, we might want researchers and institutional reviewers from the populations affected by given research projects. However, that might not always be reasonable—for example, it would be an unreasonable expectation of those with chronic fatigue syndrome to be heavily involved in guiding research projects.
   In this talk, Dr. Wilkenfeld will explore three examples where health scientists had mistaken pursuits for various reasons. He will then present the idea of deliberative research, a concept based on that of deliberative democracy. Deliberative democracy requires that decisions be made on the basis of reasons that would be acceptable to the target population. Dr. Wilkenfeld will argue that research decisions should be made on the basis of analogous reasons.

Sponsored by the Center for Philosophy of Science

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Location and Address

Online and in-person in Room 1119, Cathedral of Learning