The Ethics of Tele-Mental Health: Challenges, Dilemmas, & Opportunities

November 27, 2023 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Paul S. Appelbaum, MD (Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons and Irving Medical Center, Columbia University) 

Robert Klitzman, MD (Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons, Joseph Mailman School of Public Health, and Irving Medical Center, Columbia University) 

Katy Skimming, MD (NYU Langone Psychiatry Associates) 

Manuel Trachsel, MD, PhD (University of Basel, Switzerland) 

Abstract: Tele-mental healthcare can aid many patients, but poses several ethical challenges. Questions emerge regarding data privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, legal and regulatory issues, provider preparedness, assessments of potential risks and benefits, and social justice. In this webinar, panelists will explore challenges of providing tele-mental healthcare and ways of addressing them.

Sponsored by the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and the New York State Psychiatric Institute


Location and Address
