The Angst in Adolescent Decision-Making

February 20, 2024 -
11:00am to 12:00pm

Ian Wolfe, PhD, MA, RN, HEC-C
Senior Clinical Ethicist, Children's Minnesota
Community Instructor Faculty, U of MN Medical School

Abstract: Medical decision-making involving adolescents can offer many challenges. As children age we want them to be more involved in decisions over their body and about their care. But adolescents are not completely adults yet and so there are considerations around their limited autonomy. Navigating these can be challenging especially when adolescents seem to be making choices that are not ideal. This talk will discuss the ethical tensions that exist and arise in decision-making with adolescents. It will consider why these tensions are important, and provide a framework for helping bedside clinicians navigate these tensions in practice.

Sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics


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