School Opening and COVID-19: Medical, Educational, and Policy Considerations

December 18, 2020 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Holly Fernandez Lynch, JD
John Russell Dickson, MD Presidential Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics
University of Pennsylvania

Kristen Feemster, MD, MPH
Director of Research for the Vaccine Education Center
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia / UPenn Perelman School of Medicine

Meredith Matone, DrPH
Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania

Abstract: School closure and reopening in light of the COVID-19 pandemic raise critical questions about decision making in the face of uncertainty, how best to meet the needs of children, how to keep communities safe, and how to generate evidence on each of these issues. This panel of experts in epidemiology, education, and policy will address three questions:  What do we know about the epidemiology of school opening and closure and what are the most relevant factors to consider? What are the educational effects of school closure and remote learning and how can negative effects be minimized? What are the challenges of advising school districts on their responses to the pandemic?

Register here.

Sponsored by the Office of Continuing Medical and Interprofessional Education, Penn Medicine

Location and Address
