Justice in an Unjust World: COVID-19 and Global Justice

May 27, 2021 -
9:00am to 10:00am

Anna Berti Suman, PhD
Tilburg University, Institute for Law, The Netherlands

Tereza Hendl, PhD
University of Augsburg, Germany

Euzebiusz Jamrozik, PhD
University of Oxford, UK

Ali Kazemian, DDS, PhD, FACD
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Prevan Moodley, PhD
University of Johannesburg, South Africa

William Ollier, PhD
University of Manchester, UK

Ruud ter Meulen, PhD
University of Bristol, UK

John Noel M. Viaña, MA, PhD
The Australian National University, Australia

Martin Yuille, MA PhD
University of Manchester, UK

Chaired by Laurie Zoloth, PhD
The University of Chicago

Abstract:  Despite slogans such as “this virus does not discriminate,” and proclamations about solidarity, Covid-19 and responses to this public health emergency have exacerbated existing stark global injustice in health outcomes. At national and international levels, Covid-19 has highly unequal effects across different age groups, racial/ethnic groups, and socioeconomic classes. Public health responses have likewise produced benefits and harms that are unequally – sometimes unfairly – distributed across the globe. Moreover, vulnerability to adverse health outcomes during and after the pandemic is multilayered, reflecting biological, social, and economic factors. Such factors become particularly salient ethical concerns when they strongly affect morbidity and mortality, and the distribution of social goods, such as vaccines. This Brocher Meetup will analyze issues of justice and injustice in the current pandemic from multiple global and disciplinary perspectives.

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