
Some faculty have generously shared or posted online their syllabi, products of their intellectual labor and expertise, and these syllabi contain valuable resources. Credit should be given not only to the authors of the resources, but when the structure of learning reflected in the syllabus is employed, to the syllabus author.

A History of Anti-Black Racism in Medicine by Antoine S. Johnson, Elise A. Mitchell, Ayah Nuriddin (African American Intellectual History Society)

American Philosophical Association Diversity and Inclusiveness Syllabus Collection, including some Bioethics syllabi with specific racism-relevant components

Anti-Black Racism: History, Ideology, and Resistance from the Office of the Provost (PITT 0210)

Racism in Medicine by Alaina James (School of Medicine, MS2)

Rhetoric and Human Rights by Lester Olsen (COMM/GSWS 2215)

Sex, Race, and Popular Culture by John Musser (GSWS 0200)